Breaking the Glass Air
There is no salvation in the saying of words –But what weapon do we useagainst that which oppresses & chokes?Silence overwhelmsbut we must keep on inventing the wordthat will smashthe thick glass of air between us.Edel Garcellano, “Words” There is no need to fear or hope, but only to look for new weapons.Gilles Deleuze, “Postscript…
Film and Ideology
This note is something I used for my culminating lecture on an Introduction to Film subject I handled last semester. I apologize for the lack of citation, but I have noted from who does the ideas I mentioned came from. The semester started by looking into the Feature-Length Film as our object of study, with…
Marginal Notes on Cinema and Nation
As our Film 240 class wrapped-up earlier, I’m still trying to come into terms of how should I approach the topic of both Cinema and Nation. Prof. Deocampo said to me that the way I wanted to approach my topic, which is Cinema under the Aquino Administration, is something most students (if I heard him…
Two Ways of Alienation
on TBA’s I’m Drunk, I Love You